Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We desire to train up our children in the way they shall go so that they will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6). Here are some of the opportunities for child discipleship at New Journey

Sunday Mornings
Children's Church and Sunday School
Children's church is offered during the Sunday morning services for children ages 3rd to 5th grade. Children are dismissed after corporate worship through song, during offering.
We have a staffed nursery program of intentional discipleship for infants to 3 years old during Sunday morning worship services, dismissed during offering.
Children are welcome to attend Sunday School classes beginning at 9 am to 9:45 am. Classes for ages 4 years to 6th grade are available.
As a church family, we respect every parents decision in sending their child to children's church or keeping them with family during the church service.
We have a staffed nursery program of intentional discipleship for infants to 3 years old during Sunday morning worship services, dismissed during offering.
Children are welcome to attend Sunday School classes beginning at 9 am to 9:45 am. Classes for ages 4 years to 6th grade are available.
As a church family, we respect every parents decision in sending their child to children's church or keeping them with family during the church service.
Wednesday Evenings; 6:25-8:00 pm
AWANA is an international, nondenominational, Bible centered youth organization providing weekday clubs and programs for 3 year olds through 6th grade. AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
AWANA exists to reach children with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The priorities of AWANA also include reaching parents and other family members with the gospel and training adults to minister to youth.
Your child will grow greatly in his or her knowledge of the Lord with each passing week.
We will meet every Wednesday night during the school year with a few exceptions for school holidays. In case of bad weather, listen to the Fosston radio station for a cancellation announcement. Every effort will be made to have any cancellations announced in school as well. As a general rule, if school in Fosston is dismissed early due to bad weather, AWANA will automatically be cancelled as well. (Please note there will be AWANA on half days when school was let out early for staff workshops).
Fees, Uniforms & Books: The annual fee per child is $30.00 each. This goes toward the cost of a club uniform, handbooks, and book bag. It also helps with awards your child receives as he/she memorizes verses. Scholarships are available upon request. Also, each new student must complete and pass the startup pamphlet and pay the yearly fee before he/she will receive a uniform, handbook, and book bag.
Handbook Work: Once your child receives his/her handbook, he/she should work on it at home each week. There will be Bible verses to memorize, and other little activities to complete. Please help your child with this as much as possible.
Drop-off & Pick-up Policy: For safety reasons, we ask that you bring your child into the church when arriving. Do not drop them off in the parking lot. Children should not arrive earlier than 6:15. Also for safety reasons, it is your responsibility to pick your child up promptly at 8:00. Please come into the church and get your child.
Lost & Found: A plastic tub in the hallway gets filled with items left at the church. Please check this for any items your child may have lost
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
AWANA exists to reach children with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The priorities of AWANA also include reaching parents and other family members with the gospel and training adults to minister to youth.
Your child will grow greatly in his or her knowledge of the Lord with each passing week.
We will meet every Wednesday night during the school year with a few exceptions for school holidays. In case of bad weather, listen to the Fosston radio station for a cancellation announcement. Every effort will be made to have any cancellations announced in school as well. As a general rule, if school in Fosston is dismissed early due to bad weather, AWANA will automatically be cancelled as well. (Please note there will be AWANA on half days when school was let out early for staff workshops).
Fees, Uniforms & Books: The annual fee per child is $30.00 each. This goes toward the cost of a club uniform, handbooks, and book bag. It also helps with awards your child receives as he/she memorizes verses. Scholarships are available upon request. Also, each new student must complete and pass the startup pamphlet and pay the yearly fee before he/she will receive a uniform, handbook, and book bag.
Handbook Work: Once your child receives his/her handbook, he/she should work on it at home each week. There will be Bible verses to memorize, and other little activities to complete. Please help your child with this as much as possible.
Drop-off & Pick-up Policy: For safety reasons, we ask that you bring your child into the church when arriving. Do not drop them off in the parking lot. Children should not arrive earlier than 6:15. Also for safety reasons, it is your responsibility to pick your child up promptly at 8:00. Please come into the church and get your child.
Lost & Found: A plastic tub in the hallway gets filled with items left at the church. Please check this for any items your child may have lost